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Persian Leopard Book: Download
Title: Research and Management Practices for Conservation of the Persian Leopard in Iran
Editors: Arezoo Sanei
Publisher: Springer Cham
Edition: 1
Published: Dec 2020
eBook ISBN: 978-3-030-28003-1
Number of Pages: 228
Number of Illustrations: 7 b/w illustrations, 76 illustrations in colour
Persian Leopard Distribution Studies in Iran
Sanei A. et al. (2020) Countrywide Distribution Modelling of the Persian Leopard Potential Habitats on a Regional Basis in Iran. In: Sanei A. (eds) Research and Management Practices for Conservation of the Persian Leopard in Iran. Springer, Cham. Link
Sanei A., Mousavi M., Kiabi B.H., Masoud M.R., Gord Mardi E., Mohamadi H., Shakiba M., Baran Zehi A., Teimouri M., Raeesi T. 2016. Status assessment of the Persian leopard in Iran. Cat News Special Issue 10: 43-50. Download File
Study Span of 2002-2006: Sanei A. and Zakaria M. 2011. Distribution pattern of the Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in Iran. Asia Life Sciences Supplement 7: 7-18. Download File
Historical information and baseline knowledge: Sanei A. 2007. Assessment of leopard (Panthera pardus) status in Iran (No.1). Tehran: Sepehr Publication Centre. (in Persian) Download File
The Persian leopard bibliography presented here is in alphabetical order using the author's last name.
Abdollahi S. 2015. Modeling habitat requirements of leopard (Panthera pardus) using genetic algorithm in Golestan National Park. Environmental Resources Research, 3 (2): 151-162. Download File
Abdoli A., Ghadirian T., Hamidi A.K., Mostafavi H., Moshiri H., Pour’salem S. and Ghoddousi A. 2008. Photo of a Persian leopard from Khaeez area in southern Iran. Cat News 48: 14. Download File
Ahmed, S.H. and Majeed, S.I. 2023. Population estimate and conservation status of the Persian Leopard, Panthera pardus tulliana, in the Bamo and Khoshk Mountains in Kurdistan Region, northern Iraq. Zoology in the Middle East, 69 (2): 79-86. Abstract
Almasieh, K., Zamani, N. and Piri, R. 2023. An ensemble modeling approach to predict spatial risk patches of the Persian leopard-livestock conflicts in Lorestan Province, Iran. Environ Sci Pollut Res. Abstract and citations
Asad, M., Waseem, M., Ross, J.G., Paterson, A.M. 2019. The Un-Common Leopard: presence, distribution and abundance in Gallies and Murree Forest Division, Northern Pakistan. Nature Conservation, 37: 53-80. Download
Askerov E., Talibov T., Manvelyan K., Zazanashvili N., Malkhasyan A., Fatullayev P. and Heidelberg A. 2015. South-Eastern Lesser Caucasus: the most important landscape for conserving the leopard (Panthera pardus) in the Caucasus region (Mammalia: Felidae). Zoology in the Middle East. 61(2): 95-101. Download File
Avgan B., Raza H., Barzani M., and Breitenmoser U. 2016. Do recent leopard Panthera pardus records from northern Iraq and south-eastern Turkey reveal an unknown population nucleus in the region? Zoology in the Middle East 62(2): 95-104. Download File
Babrgir S., Farhadinia M.S. and Moqanaki E.M. 2015. Socio-economic consequences of cattle predation by the Endangered Persian leopard Panthera pardus saxicolor in a Caucasian conflict hotspot, northern Iran. Oryx, 51(1), 124-130. Download File
Bahadori Amjaz, F., Morovati, M., Behnood, M., Sayedi, N. (2021). Investigating the overlap of Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) habitat with its prey (Case study: Sang-e Mes Protected Area), Journal of Animal Environment, 13(2), pp. 9-16. Abstract
Bazghandi M. 2016. Economic valuation of endangered wildlife species subjected to trafficking (case study: endangered Persian leopard). Msc thesis. Yazd: Yazd University, School of Natural Resources and Desert studies. (Thesis)
Bazghandi M., Bostan Y., Sarhangzadeh J., Teimouri A. (2020) A Contingent Valuation Practice with Respect to Wildlife Trafficking Law Enforcement in Iran (Case Study: Panthera pardus saxicolor). In: Sanei A. (eds) Research and Management Practices for Conservation of the Persian Leopard in Iran. Springer, Cham. Link
Bernal S.D., Hoby S. and Levionnois O.L.R. 2019. Acute hyperkalaemia in a captive Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) immobilised with a ketamine-medetomidine combination. Veterinary Record Case Reports, 7 (1). Download File
Chalani M. 2005. Analysis of leopard diet in Tandoureh National Park. BSc. thesis. Markazi: Azad University of Arak. (Thesis)
Cheraghi F., Delavar M.R., Amiraslani F., Alavipanah K., Gurarie E., Jowkar, H., ... and Fagan W.F. 2019. Inter-dependent movements of Asiatic Cheetahs Acinonyx jubatus venaticus and a Persian Leopard Panthera pardus saxicolor in a desert environment in Iran (Mammalia: Felidae). Zoology in the Middle East, 1-10. Abtsract
Cheraghi, F., Delavar, M. R., Amiraslani, F., alavipanah, S. K. 2018. Movement mining of animals' behavior and interaction: Asiatic cheetah and Persian leopard in Bafgh protected area', Journal of Environmental Studies, 44(2), pp. 331-344. doi: 10.22059/jes.2018.257902.1007663. Abstract Download in Persian
Diez Bernal, S., Hoby, S., Raymond Levionnois, O.L. 2019. Acute hyperkalaemia in a captive Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) immobilized with a ketamine-medetomidine combination. Zoo Animals, 7:e000755. Download
Dresser B.L., KramerL., Reece B. and Russell P.T. 1982. Induction of ovulation and successful artificial insemination in a Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor). Zoo Biol., 1: 55–57. Abstract
Ebrahimi, A., Farashi, A., Rashki, A. 2020. Habitat Overlap of Persian leopard, Wild Sheep and Wild Goat in Iran, Experimental animal Biology, 8(3): 121-134. Download in Persian
Ebrahimi, A., Farashi, A. and Rashki A. 2017. Habitat suitability of Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in Iran in future. Environmental Earth Sciences, 76 (20): 697-707. Abstract
Erfanian B., Mirkarimi S.H., Mahini A.S. and Rezaei H.R. 2012. A presence-only habitat suitability model for Persian leopard Panthera pardus saxicolor in Golestan National Park, Iran. Wildlife Biology, 19 (2):170-178. Download File
Fadakar D., Rezaei H.R., Hosseini, Sheykhi Ilanloo S., Zamani W. 2012. Detecting Domestic Dog (Canis lupus familiaris) in Diet of Persian Leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) Using DNA Tools. The International Journal of Environmental Resources Research, 1 (3): 247-252. Download File
Farashi A., and Shariati M. 2018. Evaluation of the role of the national parks for Persian leopard (Panther pardus saxicolor, Pocock 1927) habitat conservation (case study: Tandooreh National Park, Iran). Mammal Research, 63(4): 425-432. Download File
Farashi, A. 2014. Diet of Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor Pocock, 1927) in Sarigol National Park, North Khorasan province, Experimental animal Biology. Abstract
Farhadinia M.S., Farahmand H., Gavashelishvili A., Kaboli M., Karami M., Khalili B. and Montazamy S. 2015. Molecular and craniological analysis of leopard, Panthera pardus (Carnivora: Felidae) in Iran: support for a monophyletic clade in Western Asia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 114(4): 721-736. Download File
Farhadinia M.S., Johnson P.J., Macdonald D.W. and Hunter, L.T. 2018. Anchoring and adjusting amidst humans: Ranging behavior of Persian leopards along the Iran-Turkmenistan borderland. PloS one, 13 (5):e0196602. Download File
Farhadinia M.S., Kaboli M., Karami M. and Farahmand H. 2014. Patterns of sexual dimorphism in the Persian Leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) and implications for sex differentiation. Zoology in the Middle East, 60(3): 195-207. Download File
Gavashelishvili A. and Lukarevskiy V. 2008. Modelling the habitat requirements of leopard Panthera pardus in west and central Asia. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45: 579-588. Download File
Ghaemi et al. 2012. Study on Helminithic Parasites of Persian leopard in Golestan National Park and Biosphere Reserve of Iran. World Applied Sciences Journal 13 (6): 1471-1473. Download File
Ghoddousi A. 2016. Prey preferences of the Persian leopard and degree of trophic competition with human hunters in Iran. PhD thesis. Germany: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. (Thesis).
Ghoddousi A., Hamidi Kh. A., Ghadirian T., Ashayeri D. and Khorozyan I. 2010. The status of the endangered Persian leopard Panthera pardus saxicolor in Bamu National Park, Iran. Oryx, 4 (4): 551-557. Abstract
Ghoddousi A., Hamidi Kh. A.H., Ghadirian T., Ashayeri D., Moshiri H. and Khorozyan I. 2008. The status of the Persian leopard in Bamu National Park, Iran. Cat News 49: 10-13. Download File
Ghoddousi A., Khaleghi Hamidi A., Ghadirian T., Ashayeri D., Hamzehpour M., Moshiri H., Zohrabi H. and Julayi L. 2008b. Territorial marking by Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor Pocock, 1927) in Bamu National Park, Iran. Zoology in the Middle East, 44: 101-103.
Hemami M.R., Esmaeili S. and Soffianian A.R. 2015. Predicting the distribution of Asiatic cheetah, Persian leopard and brown bear in response to environmental factors in Isfahan Province. Iranian Journal of Applied Ecology, 4 (13): 51-64. Download File
Islam S.U., Khan B., Nawaz, R., Hussain, I. 2022. First Record of Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor Pocock, 1927) from Chitral Gol National Park, Pakistan. INT. J. BIOL. BIOTECH., 19 (3): 363-370. Downlaod
Joslin P. 1990. Leopards in Iran. 1989 International Leopard Studbook: 13-15.
Kaboodvandpour Sh., Almasieh K. and Zamani N. 2021. Habitat suitability and connectivity implications for the conservation of the Persian leopard along the Iran–Iraq border. Ecology and Evolution. 11:13464–13474. Download File
Kameli A. 2012. Persian leopard habitat suitability assessment using HSI in North Khorasan province. BSc thesis. Zabol: University of Zabol. (Thesis)
Khorozyan, I. 2014. Morphological variation and sexual dimorphism of the common leopard (Panthera pardus) in the Middle East and their implications for species taxonomy and conservation. Mammalian Biology-Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 79 (6): 398-405. Download File
Khorozyan I.G., Malkhasyan A.G., Asmaryan S.G. and Abramov A.V. 2010. Using geographical mapping and occupancy modeling to study the distribution of the critically endangered leopard (Panthera pardus) population in Armenia. In: “Spatial Complexity, Informatics, and Wildlife Conservation” (Cushman S. and Huettmann F., eds.). Tokyo, Springer Publishers: 331-347. Download File
Khorozyan I. 2010. Leopard Panthera pardus (Linnaeus, 1758). In: Red Data Book of Animals of the Republic of Armenia (Aghasyan A. and Kalashyan M., eds.). Yerevan, Ministry of Nature Protection: 344.
Khorozyan I.G., Malkhasyan A.G. and Abramov A.V. 2008. Presence–absence surveys of prey and their use in predicting leopard (Panthera pardus) densities: a case study from Armenia.Integrative Zoology 3: 322–332. Download File
Khorozyan I.G. and Abramov A.V. 2007. The leopard, Panthera pardus, (Carnivora: Felidae) and its resilience to human pressure in the Caucasus. Zoology in the Middle East 41: 11-24.
Khorozyan I.G., Baryshnikov G.F. and Abramov A.V. 2006. Taxonomic status of the leopard, Panthera pardus (Carnivora, Felidae) in the Caucasus and adjacent areas. Russian Journal of Theriology 5 (1): 41-52.
Khorozyan I., Malkhasyan A. and Asmaryan S. 2005. The Persian leopard prowls its way to survival. Endangered Species Update 22: 51-60.
Khosravi, R., Hemami, M.R., Malakoutikhah, S., Ashrafzadeh, M.R., Cushman, S.A. 2021. Prey availability modulates predicted range contraction of two large felids in response to changing climate. Biological Conservation 255: 109018. Download
Kiabi B.H., Dareshouri B.F., Ghaemi R.A. and Jahanshahi M. 2002. Population status of the Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor Pocock, 1927) in Iran. Zoology in the Middle East 26: 41-47. Download File
Lukarevsky V., Akkiev M., Askerov E., Agili A., Can E., Gurielidze Z., Kudaktin A.N., Malkhasyan A. and Yarovenko Yu.A. 2007. Status of the leopard in the Caucasus. Cat News Special Issue 2: 15-21.
Mobargha M. 2006. Habitat evaluation of Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in Turan National Park, Iran. MSc thesis. Tehran: Azad University. (Thesis)
Moradi A S, Ahmadi A, Toranjzar H, Shams-Esfandabad B. Modeling the Habitat Suitability of Persian Leopard (Panthera Pardus Saxicolor) in the Conservation Areas of Kohkiloye-and-Boyer-Ahmad, Iran. ECOPERSIA 2022; 10 (2) :109-119. Abstract
Mowlavi Gh., Marucci G., Mobedi I., Zahabiioon F., Mirjalali H. and Pozio E. 2009.Trichinella britovi in a leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in Iran. Vet Parasitol. 14:164 (2-4) Download File
Naderi, M., Farashi, A., Alipour Erdi, M., 2018. Persian leopard's (Panthera pardus saxicolor) unnatural mortality factors analysis in Iran. Plos One. Download
Namroodi S., Gholami A., Shariat-Bahadori E. 2016. Toxoplasmosis May Lead to Road Kills of Persian Leopards (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in Golestan National Park, Iran. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 52(2):436-438 Abstract
Obeidavi Z., Rangzan K., Mirzaei R., Kabolizade M. and Amini A. 2017. Wildlife habitat suitability modeling using fuzzy inference system: a case study of Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in Shimbar Protected Area. Iranian Journal of Applied Ecology, 6 (1): 57-67. Download File
Omidi M., Kaboli M., Karami M., Salman Mahini A. and Hasan Zadeh Kiabi B. 2010. Modelling of the Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) habitat suitability in Kolah-Ghazi National Park using ENFA. Science and Environmental Technology 12 (1): 137-148. (in Persian) Download File
Poursalem, S., Amininasab, S. M., Madadi, H., Delshab, H. 2021. Evaluation and modelling of the Persian Leopard’s (Panthera pardus saxicolor) habitat suitability in the Gisakan area, Bushehr Province, Iran, Journal of Natural Environment, 74(2): 264-277. Download in Persian
Rozhnov V.V., Lukarevsky V.S. and Sorokin P.A. 2011. Using molecular genetic characteristics under reintroduction of the leopard (Panthera pardus L., 1758) in the Caucasus. Doklady Akademii Nauk 437 (2): 280-285. (in Russian)
Sanei A. 2018. Modeling regional cumulative effects of land use and land cover variations in relation to persistence of the Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in Iran. PhD Thesis. Malaysia: Universiti Putra Malaysia. (Thesis) Download File
Sanei A. 2004. Assessment of leopard status in Iran. BSc. thesis. Tehran: Azad University. (Thesis)
Sanei A. 2007. Assessment of leopard (Panthera pardus) status in Iran (No.1). Tehran: Sepehr Publication Centre. (in Persian) Download File
Sanei A. and Zakaria M. 2008. Distribution of Panthera pardus in Iran in relation to its habitat and climate type. In: 3rd Regional Symposium on Environment and Natural Resources (Saiful A., Norhayati M.O., Shuhaimi A.K. and Zulfahmi A.R., eds.). Selangor, Universiti Kebangsan Malaysia: 54.
Sanei A. and Zakaria M. 2011. Distribution pattern of the Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in Iran. Asia Life Sciences Supplement 7: 7-18. Download File
Sanei A. and Zakaria M. 2011. Survival of the Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in Iran: primary threats and human-leopard conflicts. Asia Life Sciences Supplement 7: 31-39. Download File
Sanei A., Zakaria M. and Hermidas Sh. 2011. Prey composition in the Persian leopard distribution range in Iran. Asia Life Sciences Supplement 7: 19-30. Download File
Sanei A., Mousavi M., Mousivand M. and Zakaria M. 2012. Assessment of the Persian leopard mortality rate in Iran In: Proceedings of UMT 11th International Annual Symposium on Sustainability Science and Management Edited by:B. Arifin, S. N. Afifah Jaafar, S. M. Zain S. Hasan, A. Hassan, H. M. E. Armanto, Ch. Tse Seng, W. Z. Wan Sembok, Sh. Md Sheriff, S. Noordin Mokhtar, F. I. Abdul Wahab, H. Mohd Yusof, A. Mat. Arshad. Universiti Malaysia Terengganu:Malaysia. Download File
Sanei A., Gordmardi E., Jafari B., Absalan H. and Zakaria M. 2013. Persian leopard distribution in relation to human pressures and prey resources in North Khorasan province, Iran In: Proceedings of international forestry graduate students’ conference Edited by: F. S. Lai, R. Halis, S.N. Abu Bakar, S. Ramachandran, C. L. Puan. Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia: Malaysia. Download File
Sanei A. and Masoud, M.R. A report to the Persian leopard status and conservation in the Iranian part of the Caucasus eco-region (report no. ALSS/2014/Cau/7-1). Prepared for the Caucasus leopard expert’s workshop, Georgia, 9–10 October 2014. Download File
Sanei A., Mousavi M., Kiabi B.H., Masoud M.R., Gord Mardi E., Mohamadi H., Shakiba M., Baran Zehi A., Teimouri M., Raeesi T. 2016. Status assessment of the Persian leopard in Iran. Cat News Special Issue 10: 43-50. Download File
Sanei A. Research and Management Practices for Conservation of the Persian Leopard in Iran. Springer, Cham. Link
Sanei A. (2020) General Overview to the Research Programs in Part I. In: Sanei A. (eds) Research and Management Practices for Conservation of the Persian Leopard in Iran. Springer, Cham. Link
Sanei A., Mohamadi H., Hermidas S., Asgarian H.R. (2020) A King for the Mountainous Landscapes: An Overview to the Cultural Significance and Conservation Requirements of the Persian Leopard in Iran. In: Sanei A. (eds) Research and Management Practices for Conservation of the Persian Leopard in Iran. Springer, Cham. Link
Sanei A. (2020) Novel Regional Classification of Natural and Socioeconomic Characteristics for the Persian Leopard Research and Conservation Programs. In: Sanei A. (eds) Research and Management Practices for Conservation of the Persian Leopard in Iran. Springer, Cham. Link
Sanei A. et al. (2020) Countrywide Distribution Modelling of the Persian Leopard Potential Habitats on a Regional Basis in Iran. In: Sanei A. (eds) Research and Management Practices for Conservation of the Persian Leopard in Iran. Springer, Cham. Link
Sanei A. et al. (2020) Ground Validation of the Persian Leopard MaxEnt Potential Distribution Models: An Evaluation to Three Threshold Rules. In: Sanei A. (eds) Research and Management Practices for Conservation of the Persian Leopard in Iran. Springer, Cham. Link
Sanei A., Zakaria M., Mohamad Kasim M.R., Mohd A. (2020) An Innovative Approach for Modeling Cumulative Effect of Variations in the Land Use/Land Cover Factors on Regional Persistence of the Persian Leopard. In: Sanei A. (eds) Research and Management Practices for Conservation of the Persian Leopard in Iran. Springer, Cham. Link
Sanei A., Zakaria M., Mohamad Kasim M.R., Mohd A. (2020) An Innovative Approach for Modeling Cumulative Effect of Variations in the Land Use/Land Cover Factors on Regional Persistence of the Persian Leopard. In: Sanei A. (eds) Research and Management Practices for Conservation of the Persian Leopard in Iran. Springer, Cham. Link
Sanei A., Masoud M.R., Mohamadi H. (2020) An Overview to the Persian Leopard Trans-boundary Habitats in the Iranian Sector of the Caucasus Ecoregion. In: Sanei A. (eds) Research and Management Practices for Conservation of the Persian Leopard in Iran. Springer, Cham. Link
Sanei A., Teimouri A., Ahmadi Fard G., Asgarian H.R., Alikhani M. (2020) Introduction to the Persian Leopard National Conservation and Management Action Plan in Iran. In: Sanei A. (eds) Research and Management Practices for Conservation of the Persian Leopard in Iran. Springer, Cham. Link
Sanei A., Teimouri A., Asadi Ahmad Abad R., Saeida S., Taheri S. (2020) An Innovative National Insurance Model to Mitigate the Livestock–Leopard Conflicts in Iran. In: Sanei A. (eds) Research and Management Practices for Conservation of the Persian Leopard in Iran. Springer, Cham. Link
Sherbafi E. 2010. Analysis of leopard diet in the habitats of Golestan NP. MSc thesis. Tehran: Azad university. (Thesis)
Sharbafi E., Farhadinia M.S., Rezaie H.R., and Braczkowski A.R. 2016. Prey of the Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in a mixed forest-steppe landscape in northeastern Iran (Mammalia: Felidae). Zoology in the Middle East 62 (1): 1-8. Download File
Taghdisi M., Mohammadi A., Nourani E., Shokri S., Rezaei A. and Kaboli M. 2013. Diet and Habitat Use of the Endangered Persian Leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) In Northeastern Iran. Turkish Journal of Zoology 37: 554-561. Download File
Tavakoli, S., Kaboli, M., Ahmadi, M. 2019. Cranial morphometric variations of Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) from the Zagros mountains and northern and northeastern mountainous areas based on Geometric morphometric analysis, Journal of Natural Environment, 72 (2), pp. 187-198. Download in Persian
Vesali S.F., Varasteh Moradi H. and Mahiny, A.S. 2017. Habitat suitability evaluation of Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) using Maximum Entropy Method in Golestan Province, Iran. Environmental Researches, 8 (15): 101-112. Download File
Youssefi M.R., Hoseini Sh., Hoseini S.M., Zaheri B.A. and Abouhosseini Tabari A. 2010. First report of Ancylostoma tubaeforme in Persian Leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor). Iranian Journal of Parasitology 5 (1): 61-63. Download File
Zakaria M. and Sanei A. 2011. Conservation and management prospects of the Persian and Malayan leopards. Asia Life Sciences Supplment 7: 1-5. Download File
منابع فارسی
توکلی و همکاران. 1398. بررسي تفاوت هاي ريخت شناختي جمجمه پلنگ ايراني در زاگرس و نواحي كوهستاني شمال شمال شرقي (pardus saxicolor Panthera) كشور به روش ريخت سنجي هندسي، محيط زيست طبيعي، منابع طبيعي ايران، ش. 2، ص. 187-198. Download File
رضایی و همکاران. 1395. تعیین پهنای آشیان بوم شناختی غذایی پلنگ ایرانی (Panthera pardus saxicolor) در منطقه حفاظت شده کوه بافق. فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی محیط زیست جانوری. ش. 1، ص. 1-8. Download File
شعاعی و یارمحمدی بربرستانی. 1395. رژيم غذايي پلنگ ايراني (Panthera pardus saxicolor, pocock 1927) در پارک ملي تندوره طي فصول تابستان و پاييز. پژوهش هاي جانوري (زيست شناسي ايران)، ش. 4، ص. 426 - 434. Download File
صانعی. 1387. بررسی وضعیت پلنگ در ایران (جلد اول). تهران: انتشارات سپهر، 298 ص. Download File
نصیری و همکاران. 1390. تجزیه و تحلیل ژنتیکی و فیلوژنتیکی ناحیه D-Loop از DNA میتوکندری پلنگ ایرانی. مجله بیوتکنولوژی کشاورزی. Download File